Approval for a further public consultation phase of the Zorrotzaurre Special Plan


Approval for a further public consultation phase of the Zorrotzaurre Special Plan


The Bilbao City Council approved this morning a second public consultation phase of the Special Urban Plan for Zorrotzaurre. This Plan was, originally, approved by the Council last November 9th.

The new consultation phase is justified by the inclusion of modifications to the original document of the Plan, as a consequence of the acceptance of some of the proposals received after the first public consultation phase, which took place between November 29th and January 26th.

The principal modifications affected the following aspects:

  • Elimination of the District Heating project and a change in status of the San Ignacio site to public use.
  • Maintenance of the ‘Papelera’ Building on the Deusto river bank which has led to the elimination of several residential buildings and the creation of an open public park space.
  • Transfer to the Central District and to the Zorrotzaurre bank the building permits eliminated from the Deusto river bank.

As a result of the above modifications open space is increased by 1,742m2 and public utility areas by 4,221m2.

The new public consultation period will last 20 working days and will commence with the publication in the Official Bizkaia Gazette of today’s agreement.


The Bilbao City Council has approved a second public consultation phase of the Special Urban Plan for Zorrotzaurre.  The 20 working day period will begin with the publication of approval in the Official Bizkaia Gazette. The new consultation phase is justified by the inclusion of modifications to the original document of the Plan as a consequence of the acceptance of some of the proposals received after the first public consultation phase


Demolition of a port warehouse located on the Deusto Canal begins
The second public consultation on the Zorrotzaurre Special Plan begins